Trust & Leadership Coaching Offerings
Tailored to your specific objectives and grounded in measurable outcomes, coaching is the proven modality for results. We offer multiple levels of
1:1 Coaching
Individualized Group Coaching & Masterminds
and Team Coaching.
Read more about our coaching services below.
1:1 Coaching
1:1 coaching is one of the most individually tailored coaching practices. Our coaching plans are tailored to the leader’s specific objectives and grounded in measurable outcomes. A TLC Executive Leadership Coach will work directly with the leader to focus on their individual strengths and opportunities for professional growth. The coach will identify the specific steps and help implement the strategic planning required to take the leader to the next level.
1:1 coaching is offered for all levels of leaders. Review the descriptions below to see how 1:1 coaching will work for your level.Rising Stars
For those who show potential and could be ready for their first leadership position in 1-3 years.
Emerging Leaders
For successful graduates of TLC’s Rising Stars program who are gearing up to accept their first leadership position soon.
Established Leaders
For those who are currently in a leadership role and need the ongoing support required to become a high-performing leader.
For leaders entering mastery with their leadership who desire to create a long-lasting impact.
For those launching or leading their own businesses who want to develop the skills needed to ensure successful longevity.
Individualized Group Coaching & Masterminds
Designed for driven leaders, individualized group coaching and our proprietary “Leading the Dream” mastermind allows individuals at similar levels to connect outside of their organizations to cross-train, connect, and grow. Our group coaching cohorts are a way for driven leaders to build community, and to receive support with others who are active in their own leadership growth and also experiencing the support of a trained coach and facilitator.
Team Coaching
Our high-performance team coaching program allows collective leadership to evolve concurrently through team and individual 1:1 coaching sessions. A TLC Executive Leadership Coach customizes our proprietary process for every team to ensure a purposeful strategy and a solid execution plan is achieved by participants.